Welcome back to Minnesota! Maybe I got un-acclimated while in Tennessee and North Carolina....or else it's just been extremely cold the past couple days.
It's cold that takes my breath away and makes it hard to get it back; the cold pinpoints the locations I thought I had covered with long johns, jeans, boot socks, boots, long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, coat, gloves and hat... but discover can't be covered because that millimeter of skin feels like it 's freezing and burning at the same time. My eyes water from the cold, but the tears come very close to freezing immediately. I berate myself for putting my hair up instead of covering my ears, or for wearing metal earrings at all that pull heat away from ears lightning fast.
They say there was one day above freezing while we were gone...so that means WE haven't seen a day over freezing in months here. I keep telling myself I'm getting the cold weather out of my system should we end up posted in the desert area of northern Kenya...where it will be 100's most days. I'm thinking of the sand and dirt that blows everywhere and on every surface...but I am craving it, especially after last night. I think I would have preferred blowing sand to snow. Yesterday we had 35 mph winds all day.
We cam home, about 11 p.m. to find a snow drift across our driveway. We have a rugged 4wd SUV, and barreled through, only to get stuck; spinning tires, even with the center diff lock on. Jerry went to get the tug from the airport to tow us out.
What were we doing when we came home to the drifts? We were celebrating the fact Jerry passed his TE with the folks that made it happen at Proclaim Aviation, and our dear friends:
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