Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Mustang farewell

This week I no longer work on the Citation Mustang. I joined the project in July of 2003. It was my first real stab at doing Electrical design work. My previous projects were installation designs for the electrical components.
The Mustang team was fabulous. I learned and learned and learned about things you never find out about in school. It will be interesting to read the articles on the Mustang and see how well it does out in the field. My gut tells me the reliability and performance numbers will continue to get better. I think it is still a sleeper with regards to revolutionary design.
The highlights for me were the environmental control and the flap control. Both were brand new. We kept everything simple -- saving millions of $ and also improving maintainability. The program hit all the due dates, beating most of them. Performance numbers were better than what were targeted. It's a big deal considering this was a completely clean sheet design.
The entire team was driven, motivated, creative, and practical jokes were abundant (at least around my area). It has been a real privilege for me to have been a part of this. I think only God could have timed this so perfectly!

Olivia, Grace, and I sitting in Mustang Production Unit 2 during the certification party. This airplane was sold through Sam's Club and will be delivered this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Just thought I'd say hi. Hope all is well there with you gearing up for Minnesota. Megan is currently with the Brown's at ABO so she'll be joining me here soon. It'd be fun to see the Brown's again sometime soon. Man...before you know it it'll be you guys there. I'm sure the time will have gone by fast when you look back at it. Hope you enjoy MN in the meantime. Enjoyed the pictures...will have to check out the kids' ones sometime. Take care.